Kendo Population

Within Japan, there are more than 1.8 million registered Dan holders with an assumption of 10% active practitioners, this leaves us with 200 thousand active kendo players in Japan. This amount in another perspective is actually 10 times the total Judo Population in Japan.

For international Kendo population, registered Dan holders exceed 800 thousand, which is not too much of a difference from Japan as active kendo players is easily more than 300 thousand people. It is also growing in a surprisingly rapid rate.

In comparison with other martial arts, Kendo population is way above what people imagine. However, due to the low birth rate and aging population in Japan, the dojo and clubs in local neighborhoods and schools are heading towards a path of closing down their doors.

KENDO PARK is not only excited to see the widespread and healthy growth of kendo globally but also aims to support the international kendo players the best we can!

Kenshi Nagamatsu

Born December 8th, 1987 in Tokyo
Graduated from Keio University's Faculty of Law.

Started Kendo at 5 years old at the Tokyo-budokan (located in Ota-ku, Tokyo), and continued kendo club activities throughout Keio junior high school and Keio high school, and during Keio University Athletic Association's Kendo association, as well as Nomura Securities' Kendo association.

Started KENDO PARK services in 2017.

Major kendo accomplishments include:
・Second place in Kanagawa prefecture's high school kendo tournament
・Best 8 in Kanto students' new player tournament
・Best 16 in All-Japan Business Organization Kendo Tournament, etc.

interestKenshi Nagamatsu